  • #46 by ArborAgent on 29 Jan 2018
  • Oh well, it was a fun six months, ehh?

    It gives the the ability to charge PelletFan more to reach viewers quickly, or charge users more if they want to reach PelletFan.

    The reality is you’re too small for them to milk. I think the video streaming companies are going to be the first target. Want your stream to be smooth? Cough up.
  • #47 by ICIdaho on 29 Jan 2018
  • I resist any new government take over and regulations as gut reaction.  This was no different for me.  Why would I want a 1934 law used as a basis for the government to take over control of the internet when it was moving along fine on its own?  This is the same law and the same institution in charge that managed to stifle the 1945 invention of cellular until the mid 80's because they did not see a mass use for it.  Maybe we could have had the iphone 20 years sooner?  Why do you think Google and Netflix lobbied so hard for NN?  They wanted a free ride even though they are responsible for the glut of data that has required massive upgrades for the providers.  It is like a manufacturer lobbying for price controls on their shipping company.  It opened the door for these large deep pocket companies to lobby and get in the back pocket of politicians to make laws that benefit them over the competition (Crony Capitalism).  Nothing has been so misnamed since the (Un)Affordable Care act. :puke: I feel better now, back to BBQ. ;D
  • #48 by Bentley on 29 Jan 2018
  • And I have no problem with this as a specific or a generalization...Maybe I am over simplifying it.  I would Love a Hummer and a G-5...but I smoked pot and drank in college, so I drive a Dodge Ram and fly coach!

    Now with no net neutrality Burke can also pay for a fast lane on the internet.   His site could perform faster than PF.   Capitalism at work.   Please note, this doesn't mean PF wouldn't perform or that we wouldn't all enjoy exactly how this site performs today.   It only means that paying extra will deliver extra.  (pmillen eluded to the fact that this also already occurs in data centers and bandwidth utilization)