  • #1 by Jon515 on 14 Feb 2018
  • Is it just me, or is anyone else sick and tired of being called names, shouted down or being accused of some sort of racism, sexism or some other ism for choosing not to swallow every pill people throw at you?
  • #2 by Goosehunter51 on 14 Feb 2018
  • I don’t have that problem, not present in my life. 
  • #3 by ICIdaho on 15 Feb 2018
  • It seems to be the world we live in.  The PC crowd preaches tolerance until you do not agree with them, then tolerance is thrown to the wind and an all out assault on your personal character begins.  The goal being to silence those that do not think the same as them.  Live and let live seems to have been replaced with agree with me or else I will ruin your life and try getting you fired from wherever you work.
  • #4 by hughver on 15 Feb 2018
  • Truer words have never been spoken, all 5 of my children are on a different side of the political fence than I am, holding a conversation at family gatherings is like walking a tight rope.
  • #5 by Kristin Meredith on 15 Feb 2018
  • My Mom was a Republican and my Dad was a Democrat and there were many political debates at the dinner table -- but never a raised voice, no bad language, no personal insults.  I think we all learned to think of it as a true mental exercise -- can I be articulate and intelligent enough and thoughtful and persuasive enough to woo the others to my side?  I had to become a much better debater and I often had to rethink positions and re-examine my beliefs and arguments.  Some beliefs became stronger as I thought about them, some were tossed aside as I realized they were not valid.  Throughout my career, I could find the occasional colleague who shared that view of discourse and had some great discussions.

    Is that a thing of the past?  Maybe or maybe it could return if we all just put a little more effort into truly listening to the other side, trying to see their perspective, trying to get them to see our perspective -- and frankly, very nicely, but very firmly, calling out folks -- including the very top tiers of our government -- who veer from civil discourse on legitimate topics.
  • #6 by silverbullet on 15 Feb 2018
  • My Mom was a Republican and my Dad was a Democrat and there were many political debates at the dinner table -- but never a raised voice, no bad language, no personal insults.  I think we all learned to think of it as a true mental exercise -- can I be articulate and intelligent enough and thoughtful and persuasive enough to woo the others to my side?  I had to become a much better debater and I often had to rethink positions and re-examine my beliefs and arguments.  Some beliefs became stronger as I thought about them, some were tossed aside as I realized they were not valid.  Throughout my career, I could find the occasional colleague who shared that view of discourse and had some great discussions.

    Is that a thing of the past?  Maybe or maybe it could return if we all just put a little more effort into truly listening to the other side, trying to see their perspective, trying to get them to see our perspective -- and frankly, very nicely, but very firmly, calling out folks -- including the very top tiers of our government -- who veer from civil discourse on legitimate topics.

    I agree Kristen,

    Back when we were growing up things just seemed more simple. We didn't have the world at out fingertips like we do today. We didn't have the Rush Limbaugh's, Sean Hanity's That shove their views down whoever throats that want to listen to them. I blame the divisiveness in today's society a lot on the media.

    A couple weeks ago I had dinner with a friend who invited a local Talk Radio Host to dinner. I politely told him that I don't listen those type of radio shows to form my own opinions on political issues. I'm perfectly capable of forming my own. Even though we did have an interesting conversation that evening. He even invited me to call in to his show because "he likes the challenge" I have no time for such nonsense.

    Everything today is about money. Not morals. They need to outlaw Lobbyist's, We got buy just fine without them. We need a lot less Rush & a lot more Paul Harvey!

    Back in the Day the Vietnam War divided us as a Nation. The War ended & we found a way to get back to being one Nation. Hopefully someday we will find that path again.
  • #7 by Jon515 on 15 Feb 2018
  • This is what I'm talking about, citing Hannity and Rush about decisiveness on two conservatives vs. entire networks seems to be a bit slanted.  The left has pioneered the champion of acceptance unless you don't agree.  I for one am frustrated with political correctness and being called names for not agreeing with progressives. 
  • #8 by Conumdrum on 15 Feb 2018
  • This is what I'm talking about, citing Hannity and Rush about decisiveness on two conservatives vs. entire networks seems to be a bit slanted.  The left has pioneered the champion of acceptance unless you don't agree.  I for one am frustrated with political correctness and being called names for not agreeing with progressives.

    The left vs the right.  Perfect example.  Thanks, nothing more needs said.  It's not that simple.

    Live your life upon your beliefs.  Your small place in your community and your friends will keep you happy.  Don't worry about the big picture, it doesn't matter.  It really doesn't.

    Turn off the TV or watch a comedy or some nature show.  There are some decent cooking shows that don't have any news channels.  Quit watching those, it will kill you.  TV isn't good for you, and Facebook (I don't know why folks are addicted to it) is a outrageous silly story that will consume even smart reasonable folks.  .
  • #9 by Jon515 on 15 Feb 2018
  • This is what I'm talking about, citing Hannity and Rush about decisiveness on two conservatives vs. entire networks seems to be a bit slanted.  The left has pioneered the champion of acceptance unless you don't agree.  I for one am frustrated with political correctness and being called names for not agreeing with progressives.

    The left vs the right.  Perfect example.  Thanks, nothing more needs said.  It's not that simple.

    Live your life upon your beliefs.  Your small place in your community and your friends will keep you happy.  Don't worry about the big picture, it doesn't matter.  It really doesn't.

    Turn off the TV or watch a comedy or some nature show.  There are some decent cooking shows that don't have any news channels.  Quit watching those, it will kill you.  TV isn't good for you, and Facebook (I don't know why folks are addicted to it) is a outrageous silly story that will consume even smart reasonable folks.  .
    It is that simple.  I do live my life based on my beliefs and I am tired of being called names for what I believe from the tolerant other side.  For the record I don't use facebook for my own reasons, thanks for the assumption and proving exactly what frustrates me.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  • #10 by Darwin on 15 Feb 2018
  • Before the excessive yellow journalism and out right lying we respected philosophical difference as long as the differences were fact based.  Now politics seem to be more cult like and overly divisive.  Both parties have forced me to be an independent.
  • #11 by Bentley on 15 Feb 2018
  • I guess this has never bothered me...If I have no respect for someone or their views, I could careless what they call me or think of me, they are a non factor in my life!

    I do live my life based on my beliefs and I am tired of being called names for what I believe from the tolerant other side. 
  • #12 by Jon515 on 16 Feb 2018
  • I agree with you on a personal level, in my opinion if someone can only call me names they don't have a lot to offer. I'm more concerned with the social movement that justifies their beliefs with name calling and made up labels that make any disagreement some form of discrimination.  Maybe I'm paranoid, but to me in a Nation based on freedom I should be able to agree or disagree with something without social condemnation.  Just sayin.   
  • #13 by Kristin Meredith on 16 Feb 2018
  • I think the US goes through periods where we swing too far one way or another on social issues and simply can't find balance for periods of time.  Perhaps it is because we let things get so far out of balance and so we have to go through some type of pendulum behavior. 

    For example, the Me Too (or whatever the name is) movement of women who claim harassment.  Do I believe every woman who says she has been harassed has genuinely been harassed? No. Do I think there have been decades and decades where women in the workplace have been harassed -- and worse -- and it has been ignored?  Yes, because I experienced it a few times.  Do I think women should learn to deal with a lot of harassment issues (not violence) by themselves.  Yes, I did and I can guarantee that in the couple of instances the men clearly understood not to try it again. (To me, a lot of harassment aimed at women in the workplace is as a controlling behavior and they have yet to figure that elemnet out.  I think men in the workplace face controlling behavior also, but it takes a different form than sexual, so women put it down to sex and not control. We need to teach the difference).  Do I think a lot of women are as "fierce" (what a nice word the one member used for me ;D) as me and as capable of handling things? No. 

    And I recognize that there are a lot of other social issues that face this same dilemma. So, I think there is a pent up dam of decades of emotion and anger coming out and we just need to let it subside and try and be civil in the interim and perhaps a bit more aware.  We have gone through it before -- that is what McCarthyism was in the 50's.
  • #14 by Goosehunter51 on 16 Feb 2018
  • I guess this has never bothered me...If I have no respect for someone or their views, I could careless what they call me or think of me, they are a non factor in my life!

    I do live my life based on my beliefs and I am tired of being called names for what I believe from the tolerant other side. 

  • #15 by ICIdaho on 16 Feb 2018
  • The most recent school shooting here in Florida resulted in immediate claims that the shooter was ISIS or Antifa right up until they found he was a member of a white supremacist group. There is no longer a willingness to wait for facts. Belief supporting memes are a way of life for many.

    Apparently the facts have changed again and the white supremacist group had the wrong guy and it was not him.  Got to love the 24 hour news cycle that rushes to be first to print anything.  I blame the media for always trying place blame on a side they do not agree with with politically.  Instead of waiting for facts to come and the process to work, everyone points fingers and turns it into a political circus instead of seeing it for what it is.  A tragedy that was carried out by a mentally ill person.