  • #16 by silverbullet on 18 Feb 2018
  • I got tired of buying those $200.00 gas grills every other year. I was going to a meat market that was on my Mail route for years! They had Traegers. I had never seen a pellet grill but thought what a neat concept since I had a pellet stove heating my home.

    When they went on sale I brought a LiL Tex home in the back of my mail truck. My Bride was ticked. "What did you buy that for you just bought a grill!! Didn't take her long to eat those words as she loves being the official sampler of what I make. She doesn't say much anymore when I come home with a different pellet grill. Seems each time I buy one it has some different features than the last.

    I've gotten a few people into pellet cooking over the years. My brother was the hardest one to convert. Until he came to a pellethead comp in Green Bay & won a GMG JB in a raffle. He hasn't cooked on anything else since.
  • #17 by Michael_NW on 20 Feb 2018
  • And then some folks nod and say "That's nice".

    The most common response for me. Food is not a passion for them, and smoked food is just not something they enjoy as much. A bit of a wet blanket on the conversation, but different people have different passions.
  • #18 by Chris__M on 21 Feb 2018
  • I seem to be lucky, my friends show a lot more enthusiasm for my cooking.

    Although I do find it amusing that although all of the stuff I feed them is appreciated, the thing that my board game group really like is the humble burger - albeit a burger that has been smoked for 2 hours before finally searing it. I think that because it is close to something familiar to them, but then exceeds all taste expectations, they go wild for it. I consider it a lazy option for feeding them, but they often ask "are you going to do those smoked burgers again?"
  • #19 by LowSlowJoe on 21 Feb 2018
  • Pellet grilling can be an acquired taste... in more ways than one.

      I'm still not totally convinced the average back yard griller should buy a pellet grill...   If cooking hot dogs and burgers mostly... gas is still probably a very good option for most folks. 

      I know that if I were to tell everyone you needed a PG500 to be happy...  I'd get a lot of people looking at me like I was nuts when they realized how much one costs...

      I can very easily recommend a GMG Davy Crockett to anyone... price is pretty reasonable , it works great , produces some great food...  I'd like to and do at times recommend some of the Pitt Boss grills, and some of the lower priced Camp Chef grills too.   But well...    Pricing on pellet grills still at times seem to be the biggest stumbling block for me to talk to others about pellet grills.