Recipe Section > Pork

Smoked Bone In Pork Loin

<< < (2/2)

We'll be serving two of these in four days for a dinner party.  I'll try capture some more photographs and probably make a pan sauce to drizzle over the slices.

Menu will probably be–

* Blue cheese salad
* Pork Loin
* cookingjnj's sautéd onion & mushrooms found here
* Au gratin potatoes
* Pan seared Brussels sprouts
* Desert has to be birthday cake & ice cream
EDIT:  Changed some characters that didn't display properly after a host update.

House show smell good with all that cooking!

I made this for the second time yesterday.  In my original post I wrote, "It's probably the best thing I have ever cooked."  Yep, it is.  It was fantastic.

Even though the PF owners are willing to allow posts where pits other than pellet pits are used, I typically don't post a cook here if it's done on another type of pit or I don't mention the pit used.  This will be an exception.  The pork loins were smoked on a Karubecue C-60 (KBQ), an oddball kind of stick burner.

I followed the original recipe except for resting the loins for a couple of hours in the refrigerator and then going directly into the preheated KBQ.



Ready to carve.


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