Recipe Section > Fowl

Bacon Wrapped Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs

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--- Quote from: Kristin Meredith on September 05, 2017, 07:48:37 PM ---Could you bone them and stuff them with something or would that affect the cook?

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These were boneless from Costco.  I sometimes stuff a jalapeño in the bone's vacancy.  I imagine you could put almost anything in there; shrimp, cheese, lobster, carrot...

Super Yummy!

Seems like I can never get any wrapped bacon to come out that well...must be a 500 thing with heat down!


--- Quote from: Bar-B-Lew on September 05, 2017, 07:38:04 PM ---I'm not a big dark meat fan of chicken, but those sure look good.  Do you have to turn them to get the bacon evenly cooked on both sides?

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No, I just set them on the smoking grate.  Since I took them off with tongs I suppose that the bottom when being smoked is the bottom in the photograph, and probably the bottom when served.

The heat comes from the top in my pit but there wasn't an appreciable difference to the bottom.


--- Quote from: Bentley  on September 06, 2017, 12:32:59 PM ---Seems like I can never get any wrapped bacon to come out that well...must be a 500 thing with heat down!

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I believe it has more to do with the bacon thickness. I've read (and it makes sense) that thicker bacon should be 'pre-heated' to make it more malleable.
Cold thick bacon on a skin lined chicken thigh is asking for problems.


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