  • #1 by KrautBurner on 19 Dec 2018
  • I did my first brisket about 3 years ago
    I've since done a couple dozen (using several different Traegers as well as SawTooth pellet grills)
    I've found my method to be nearly foolproof and I get consistant good results
    (my biggest issues to date were running the hopper out of pellets overnight and poor connectivity with my bluetooth thermometer,   neither have caused a poor product)

    I normally get my briskets at Costco,  they have PRIME PACKERS for a decent price
    I do my smoking portion of my cook overnight,  so I start my prep the afternoon before serving
    I like to trim my briskets pretty tight,  as well, I split the point from the flat before cooking  (I save about 1/3-1/2 of the fat that I trimm off to go back onto the briskets for the CRUTCH)

    first, I make a very complicated rub and rub heavily with SPG (Salt, Pepper, Garlic) 1:1:1
    sometimes,  I'll do this early in the day and place the brisket back in the fridge for a few hours before smoking

    place on the traeger (or your preferred pelleg smoker)  on SMOKE overnight (if you trust your pit)
    I have a bluetooth thermometer with multiple probes, I place one in the flat and one in the point so I can monitor temp without getting out of bed.   I set the alarm for 155* (I've never had this go off before I got up)

    top off the hopper before bed (normally 11pm for me)
    check IT in the morning, it'll likely be 140-150 (normally 7am for me)
    bump temp up to 225/250 till IT hits 155-160
    then CRUTCH and return to grill till IT hits 200/205 (this is normally around noon or so for me)
    I return some of the thin/flat pieces of fat that I trimmed, this will add moisture to the crutch as it renders

    if I'm making burnt ends (which I normally am)
    I pull the point when the IT is about 185-190
    cut into 1.5x1.5" cubes and place in a tin pan,  add brown sugar, cayanne, and a bottle of store baought bbq sauce (as well as the drippings from the point)
    stir about every 30-45 min while the point is coming up to temp

    when the brisket reaches 200* IT
    I pre-heat a cooler with hot water and tumble a couple bath towels (I have special BBQ towels) on high for about 10 min or so
    then dump the water from the cooler, line with a towel, place brisket (still in crutch) in the cooler, and add another towel, and the lid (I leave my thermometer in the brisket)

    I wait till IT drops to 180/185 before slicing and serving (this could take 2-4 hours)

    this works out well for me to serve around 4-5pm

    good luck

    sorry,  I dont have any good pics here at my work computer
    maybe I'll get some this weekend
  • #2 by triplebq on 19 Dec 2018
  • I was going to try this but your rub was just too hard for me to follow  :pig:

    Nice steps.