Recipe Section > Fish & Seafood

Smoked Oysters



* Make a simple salt, sugar and water brine (3% solution).  Put a little aside for later.  Brine the fresh and rinsed oysters for 24 hours.
* Put them on a rack in the refrigerator to allow them to drain for a few hours.  Use a tray to catch the drippings.
* Preheat the smoker to 225°F.  Apple wood is good, but I think Alder is traditional.
* Add a few dashes of your favorite spices to them (garlic powder, chili flakes, cayenne and such) and put the racks and catch tray into the smoker.
* Smoke them heavily to at least 145°F internal temperature, about 50 minutes or when the edges start to curl.Notes:
Oysters spoil rapidly.  Move them out of the cold refrigerator and into the hot smoker quickly.  Once they’re smoked, leave them on their rack and quickly put them into the refrigerator to cool.

Once the oysters are smoked and cooled, put them in a glass container and drizzle a little of the fresh unused brine over them.  Mason jars are fine for storage.  Put lids on the jars and put them straight into the refrigerator.  Don’t make more than will be eaten in a few days unless you plan to pasteurize them.


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