  • #1 by urnmor on 18 Dec 2019
  • The Background:

    There is this grandfather who has a 3 year old grandson who has been through a lot in the last few weeks.  In fact he has seen more doctors than his Grandfather has in his lifetime.  So to cheer up his Grandson his grandfather went and bought him a stuff elephant.  You say why a stuff elephant?  The answer is simple.  The young Grandson loves animals and the Elephant is his favorite.  How does the Grandfather know this?  It is because when he was asked at Daycare what he was thankful for during this Holiday Season he said elephants, not family or toys like the other children but elephants. 

    Grandpa said to himself: Wow an elephant should cheer him up.  Grandpa did not get just any old elephant he bought him the biggest he could find on Amazon, a four foot stuff elephant with tusks and trunk.  Grand father was elated thinking how happy the boy would me.  When he was told the big box was for him he was so excited and said an elephant was inside it.  Well from there it went down hill. It now appears the Grandson has been traumatized by the large loving fluffy stuff elephant as he has kept his distance from it once he saw how big it was.  His parents, not to be named to protect the innocence, placed it next to the Christmas tree.  Now the Grandson will not go near the Tree but makes a wide path around it to make sure the elephant won’t get him.  How he did warn the elephant when he saw their Chihuahua sitting in its lap that he better not eat him. 

    So the Grandfather is scared especially in this day an age where the press is quick to jump to conclusions without knowing all the facts will get a hold of this story and label him “The Evil, Terrible Grandpa”. 

    So I am just wondering should he be concerned?
  • #2 by Kristin Meredith on 18 Dec 2019
  • Nawww, put the elephant next to you on the sofa and read him the story of Babar while sharing a banana with him.  Maybe the grandson will see the elephant is Babar's cousin and be enchanted!!!
  • #3 by MysticRhythms on 18 Dec 2019
  • Kristen is 100% correct.
    If the grandson sees someone playing with the elephant, or even just laying on the floor with it, he will eventually join in.
  • #4 by Bentley on 18 Dec 2019
  • I could see if you got a 4 foots stuffed Darth Maul.  I would think that toy would be well received by a child...
  • #5 by cookingjnj on 18 Dec 2019
  • So said grandfather should never be warry or afraid of what anyone else may think about his gift to his grandson.  Said grandfather did so much more than others by actually really looking for and getting a gift that matters to his grandson.  Said grandfather did what any grandfather would do and that is if it was going to be an elephant because elephants mean so much to his grandson, get the biggest and best elephant said grandfather could find.  I would say the grandson has the best said grandfather anyone could ever hope for.  Yes, I can see how something bigger than the grandson, could make him a little scared, but time, and others showing how harmless the elephant is should heal all wounds so to speak.  If I ever met said grandfather, I would shake his hand and say...."you are what granddads are supposed to be!"  If anyone in the press or media should ever say anything different, said grandfather can send them my way for a true opinion. 
  • #6 by yorkdude on 19 Dec 2019
  • You did good, in time they will warm up to it.
  • #7 by Brushpopper on 19 Dec 2019
  • I would have done the same thing as the unnamed grandpa.  Perhaps the elephant needs a name to help it fit into the family easier.  Or maybe it will come to life and romp around with the grandson once it becomes part of the family, like Hobbes the tiger from "Calvin and Hobbes" by Bill Watterson.
  • #8 by Canadian John on 19 Dec 2019

  •  I have to go with what Kristin said.. I would also be having a quiet conversation with the elephant within earshot of the young lad, leaving an open question. The person asking the unanswered question can then  go over to the boy and asks if he knows the answer. Others may just say hi to the elephant in passing.
     Relocating the elephant to another location may also help. Visible but out ot the way.
     Did the elephant tell you his name? Mentioning it may also help..Good things the elephant said could be talked about around the boy for encouragement..
     Please keep us updated. The ice has to melt @ some point.
      Merry Christmas!
  • #9 by dk117 on 19 Dec 2019
  • great advice all around.  Clearly this is an excellent, thoughtful, loving Grandpa.

    I can only add that my girls were terrified of people in costumes.  Easter Bunny, many Disney Characters, Chuck e Cheese was particularly nightmarish.    They do get over it, but I might have traumatized them a bit. 

    Name, normalize, chat with the Elephant, see where grandson is in few weeks.

    PS I'm reading this at face value.  Reddit has the AM I the xxxxxxx tread, and lots of good learning can come from that.  You sir are definitely not.   
  • #10 by jdmessner on 19 Dec 2019
  • My thoughts and prayers go out to the boy and family for all he is going through. It is tough to be sick as a kid. One thing about kids that age is they have no filter and will not hesitate to tell you what they think. Grandpa did all the right things for all the right reasons. A lot of good advice as to ways to help the grandson warm up to the elephant. My guess is they will be good friends by New Years. It is one of those stories that one day will be fondly remembered and passed down (especially when the grandson becomes a father and later grandpa himself). Thank you for sharing the story. Keep us posted on how it turns out. Merry Christmas!