Recipe Section > Beef

Chris' Bay Area Burgers


I've got no idea who the heck Chris is, but dang if his burger recipe isn't tasty.  I've made two modifications to it.  Originally the olive oil was 2 Tbs, that just seemed like a lot and can lead to some spectacular grease fires on the grill if you are using direct flame.  I reduced the salt to 1 Tsp from 1.5 Tsp, as the original was close to 2% salt and that lead to a very salty burger.  This is now a more reasonable 1.4% salt, which is in the "yum" zone for me and most other folks.  Fun game to play with guests: see if they can identify the "mystery" herb in the burger.  I've yet to have someone guess Basil correctly.

Ground beef   1 lb
Garlic   2 Cloves
Olive oil   1 tbsp
Black pepper   1 tsp
Dry Basil leaves   1/2 tsp
salt   1 tsp

Simple is sometimes best. Thats the way I like em.


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