  • #1 by jdmessner on 30 Apr 2020

  • Our church normally puts on a free community dinner each month. Since the onset of covid-19 we shut down for a little bit. After doing a curbside breakfast at Easter, I figured we could give it a go for a dinner. On a normal night we will usually have 80-100 people show up, but we didn't know what to expect for this. We thought there might be a few more people than usual, so we prepped for 150. As it turned out we probably served well over 300-meals! The menu was BBQ chicken breasts, baked beans, mashed potatoes, and strawberry shortcake. Even though we were not supposed to start until 5:30, cars started lining up a little after 4. We served a steady stream of cars from about 4:30-7. The only real casualty was the short cake, we went through it real fast.

    I got really lucky because I had more chicken on hand than I thought I needed. My plan was to cook a little over half of what I had and save the rest for another dinner. It was precooked grilled chicken (like you would get on a sandwich at a fast food place). It worked out well because they cook up quickly even when frozen. We baked them with some BBQ sauce and they weren't too bad. I was going to cook them on the pellet grill, but it was rainy day and it was easier to do it inside. When we started to get slammed my wife made a run for some instant mashed potatoes and baked beans, which did not take long to heat up. There was a good kitchen crew and they kept plugging away at it until we were done.

    It was kind of a bittersweet day for me. A few weeks ago I found out my wife and I will be moving to Northwest Michigan, near Traverse City by July 1. With all the craziness going on in the world, I did not see a move coming this year. The way things are going, I don't know if I will be able to gather with folks as a group before I leave or not. For some people going through the line last night might have been goodbye. I have been here for 13 years and my kids grew up here, it will always seem like home. The new place will be good and we are excited about the opportunity. My wife and I lived in another part of the same county for a number of years so we know the area. It is not too far from her mother, so she will enjoy being closer to her. The new church has a nice sized commercial kitchen, so I should be able to do some damage, I just hope they have a spot for my grill!

    I didn't have time to get any pictures last night, but a friend who waited in line sent me a couple. I will try and post them tomorrow. I have tried three times today without any luck. Our internet keeps getting slower and slower. It is almost impossible to up or download anything.
  • #2 by Kristin Meredith on 30 Apr 2020
  • Wonderful event you and your crew put on.  Was the number greater because folks just needed to get out or is the need for a meal that much greater given the economy some are facing?
  • #3 by jdmessner on 30 Apr 2020
  • Wonderful event you and your crew put on.  Was the number greater because folks just needed to get out or is the need for a meal that much greater given the economy some are facing?

    I think it was a combination of both. There were some that came because they normally come to the dinner and it was a good excuse to get out and about for a change. We also made up a flyer and handed it out in the bags with the school's free lunch program and I think we got a good response from those folks.

    The need is real for many people. In the last 5 weeks we have had two mobile food trucks come and distribute almost 6,000 lbs of food each time. I think we reached almost 200 families with the last truck. Our local food pantry is still open every week for curbside pickup, but we have not seen an increase in people coming there for food. My guess is that will change in the next few weeks. But even if there is an increase we should be OK for a while. There have been some very generous donations from people in the community. In the last week we have had two people each donate 100 lbs. of hamburger and a farmer had a hog butchered, with the promise of more as needed. This was on top of our normal inventory of food. But who knows how long this will continue or how bad it will get. I hope and pray we can start to see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel.
  • #4 by Canadian John on 01 May 2020

  •  The dinner and all the hard work involved, was I am sure, much appreciated by all.. It's so nice when people help others!

     All the best with the move. That part of Michigan, and North, bring back fond memories.
  • #5 by jdmessner on 02 May 2020
  • Here are a couple of pictures. I am having internet issues, so I will see if it helps sending them one at a time.

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  • #6 by Trooper on 06 May 2020
  • Once again JD,

    You rock!

    So it's about about 78 miles from me to you at your present location.
    With the move, you'll be about 154.
    Not a problem on my end.