Recipe Section > Casserole/One pot meals

Spaghetti Casserole in the Pit

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Do you leave the pasta whole?

Sounds good, the cottage/cream cheese and cream makes for an interesting twist to a pasta dish. I'm going to give it a try tomorrow night but I'll probably add onion/garlic to the meat while browning and a touch of oregano/cayenne somewhere. Thanks for posting.


--- Quote from: Bentley on November 02, 2020, 01:01:17 PM ---Do you leave the pasta whole?

--- End quote ---

Yes, just spread it around so it's relatively level in the dish.


--- Quote from: hughver on November 02, 2020, 01:27:53 PM ---I'll probably add onion/garlic to the meat while browning and a touch of oregano/cayenne somewhere.

--- End quote ---


See?  That's the difference between cooking and just following recipes.  I just follow the recipe.  You cook.

I'm sure that you are a much better COOK than I am, I just don't follow instructions very well. As for spaghetti, my inclination is to avoid the long stringy spoon thing and use Rotini (Fusilli).


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