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Masterbuilt 7 in 1 0utdoor 20Qt Air Fryer

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Well the devil made me do it.  Yes I bought the new Masterbuilt 7 in 1 Outdoor 20Qt Air Fryer however it is not due to arrive until Wednesday.  So now I am wondering if anyone else has one and if so how do you like it?

I've been looking at air fryers for quite a while. While researching the technology, I came across this description "If you're thinking about buying an air fryer, you might be wondering what the difference is between air fryers and convection ovens. The quick answer is, an air fryer is a simply a smaller convection oven with a catchy name." Since I have both a convection oven and microwave, I abandoned my search. Good luck with your new toy, let us know how it works.

I always need to see stuff like this to have any idea of whats going on.  Is this it?  If so, as my friends on Smoke, Fire & Food would say...Nice bit of Kit!

This cannot be used as an oil fryer can it?

When you get it, let me know what the lowest temp setting is for dehydrating and the temp setting range for dehydrating?

I came across a 6 qt. unit that had a temperature range of 90-400°, I wonder if it can be used like sous vide with air replacing water? i.e., cook a steak at constant 125° and sear afterward.  ???


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