Here's How I.... > Cook Everything Else (Pizza, Appetizers, Desserts, etc)

Homemade Chicago Pizza

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Looks great!  :clap:
Unfortunately, I've never been a fan of deep dish pizza. Too much dough for me.
I make NY Style, and on occasion thin crispy crust (Pizza Hut style) or Neapolitan style.

>Too much bread for me.

I know what you are saying - but in reality, a deep dish pizza typically has much lower bread to filling ratio.

For example, my 14" Chicago dough weight is 25oz, but has about 60oz of cheese, sauce and meat. In contrast, my 18" NY dough ball is 21oz, but only gets about 20oz of toppings.  So you really end up eating less bread.

Bob, those pies look great!  Note that if you really don't need spring pan if you butter the baking pan before pressing the dough - there's no chance of it sticking. Also, it's hard to tell what form of cheese you are using. It's a good idea to use sliced cheese and press it into the dough to form a barrier to keep the sauce from soaking into the crust.  Here's a few threads on some I've assembled to show what I mean.

Those pizzas look awesome!! Great tip with the cheese! We used shredded but I really like the idea of using sliced 👍 the pan you used is also different. Looks like a better pizza pan. The first one we used was a little deeper making it tough to dig out.

Not sure if she butters it either... I'll ask.

And I was never a deep dish guy either until I had a good one lol. The crust is really not all that thick. But you can load up on the flavor with sauce & toppings. Definitely want a fork for these...

I still avoid the thick crust when reduced to delivery pizza or frozen 😬

This is the pan I use:


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