  • #46 by SmokinHandyman on 17 Jun 2021
  • #47 by Kristin Meredith on 17 Jun 2021
  • I guess I look at it differently.  By wearing a mask, you signal to me you aren't vaccinated.  But then again, I don't care if you are or aren't vaccinated because I am and the science tells me I am protected.
    Part true here at least.
    Personally speaking I am not vaccinated and I have always avoided as best that I can masking.
    My intent is not to signal my vaccinated status, rather a choice I have made.
    If someone is afraid of an unmasked person and vaccinated, I feel compelled to ask why? Do you believe you are immune or don’t you? I am not worried about someone’s feelings while shopping, I am their on a mission. I am not their to make anyone feel safe……sorry.

    My response is based upon the fact that, in Virginia, if you aren't vaccinated, you are suppose to wear a mask.  In various stores I shop in, some employees have masks and some don't.  I asked about that one day and was told that the stores aren't requiring proof of vaccination, but if you don't want to wear one as an employee, you have to show proof of vaccination.  So, it is increasingly becoming in my mind that folks wearing masks are signaling that they aren't vaccinated.  Maybe that is right, maybe that is wrong, it is just the way I am interpreting it.
  • #48 by yorkdude on 17 Jun 2021
  • Here is a different angle, at least the way I see it.
    I have shared previously that my Sister is gay, marched everywhere for everything for years, I have no problem with that.
    Her Partner is horrified about both covid AND the vaccines? Her partner has decided to “hunker down”, they live on a few acres in Grants Pass, Oregon.
    My sister is vaccinated and does EVERYTHING off site so to speak.
    My point……her partner doesn’t trust the vaccine so won’t get it, instead encourages my Sister to get it and venture into the unknown. I speak with my Sister at least every 3 days, enjoy a fantastic relationship that was tested severely for years. So her partner thinks others should be vaccinated but not her…..she has effectively made HER problem YOUR problem, yeah, no thanks.
  • #49 by Bentley on 17 Jun 2021
  • It will be interesting for me to see if the Houston Hospital decision requiring all employees to be vaccinated is appealed.