Here's How I.... > Cook Pork

...Make Pork Picnic Pancetta

<< < (2/4) > >>

This is after 4 more days of curing, a rinse and 3 days of air drying.

The lowest I can get the fridge is 46°, so I am 9° lower then the recipe calls for.  Such is life when you don't have the proper equipment.  Thought I would see what the weight was.  I will now hang for 20 days and is supposed to be done by then.  I do these things, and then I realize, if I ever have had Pancetta, it was so long ago I don't remember, so I have no idea what it should taste like.  Hopefully, worst case scenario, it will be like very meaty Belly bacon!  Will see how much it weights in 20 days,

Again, please take note of how Professionally the Trussing looks!  It's like something out of a Food Magazine!

The trussing is a work of art.

Wish I had rolled it fat side in!

It is to finish curing on the 30th, but I was curious how it would taste and cook now.  Having no memory of every eating Pancetta, I have no idea if it is accurate on taste.  It is not bad, not quite as good a Belly Bacon, but at a dollar a pound, will go well in the Hoppin' John I am making this Friday!


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