Pit Talk -- Comments and Questions Regarding These Pellet Pits > Which Pit Should I Choose?

My GMG is now 12 years old. Time for something new!

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Jiggle Racing:
It has served me well and it works great. Temps across the grate are pretty even and match the controller for the most part. Different pellets, and ambient humidity have the most effect. The hot spot is back right. I only use the center heat deflector, drip pan, and duct relocating stack inlet to left side. Threw away the two side heat deflectors. I'm on my 3rd controller due to corrosion from living near the beach and 2nd hotrod. So.... what to get now? One main feature I want is quick and easy fire pot clean-out.

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As for fire pot clean out, I am sure there may be others but Camp Chef is the one I am aware of having something like that. If I was looking to buy today and was not looking at dropping bigger Cookshack or MAK money. I would be buying a Grilla Silverbac AT. I think their dual mode controller would be a great thing to have.

Hope you find a cooker you like with the features you want, it is not always an easy process to do that.

Canadian John:

 A good quality stainless should help with structural corrosion issues. The electronics - that's a different story..Some are better made than others.. 

 Igniters have come a long way since the early days with failures almost unheard of.

 By now you should have a good handle on what you expect from a pellet fired pit.  Comes down to cost and how that relates to the features you are looking for.

 Easy burn pot clean out is a good feature. My old Traeger was a chore to access.. The Memphis is a breeze.

Good luck in your endeavor to find a new pit.  The three that I have owned have been a pain to clean out so the Woodwind sounds appealing when I have to clean mine out.  What do you have on the stack of your DB?

Jiggle Racing:
Yah I'm paralyzed on picking a new pit. I do believe they perform the best when the burn pot is cleaned.

I toss on a 10 ft vent pipe during startup to prevent a ton of smoke blasting into my neighbors windows. Then I remove it once I get cleaner smoke and because it also causes large temp fluctuations

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