Here's How I.... > Cook Beef



First time I split the point and flat prior to a cook. This will be my new recipe. Cook time cut in half and everybody loved it. Here is how I did it.

Injected brisket 24 hrs prior
Split brisket
Trimmed off all fat
Rubbed with black ops
Smoker at 225*
Wrapped flat at 165*
When flat hit 192* I pulled it and point off
Cut up point
Burnt ends into pan with juice from flat and more rub
Ftc flat and burnt ends back in for 2 hrs

Looks good, I never cooked or tried burnt ends yet.


--- Quote from: Quadman750 on October 07, 2017, 08:01:20 AM ---Looks good, I never cooked or tried burnt ends yet.

--- End quote ---

I just started making them last year. I have yet to try some anywhere that are as good as my own. Maybe it's just the rub, but they are crazy good.

Nice job on the brisket.


--- Quote from: triplebq on October 07, 2017, 09:12:08 PM ---Nice job on the brisket.

--- End quote ---

yep - that looks good!


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