Here's How I.... > Cook Beef

Smoked, corned beef--easy peasy.

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This type of corned beef flat and point are normally available on sale around St. Patty's Day. I frequently buy one, rinse it well, then soak it for a day or two in fresh water (changing the water once or twice) to remove some more of the salt. I season it with 1 Tbs. each of black pepper & coriander, 1.5 Tbs. brown sugar, 1 Tbs. paprika and 2 tsp. each of garlic & onion powder. Otherwise cook the same as Okie. Resulting in reasonably good pastrami

okie smokie:
Purchased at Costco. Around $4.50/lb. I added extra pepper. Good flavor, almost pastrami. Actually if only cooked to *160-170 and then sliced paper thin, it would still have enough fat to be more corned beef /pastrami like and would be tender when cut that thin. I used to buy kosher corned beef sliced thin for sandwiches and remove the fat before eating. That was before I discovered where the distinct flavor was. Pastrami the same, just not as much fat left as in corned beef.



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