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New Toy for Kitchen - a Cooker/Warmer

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Saw this and had to get one.
Says it's a cooker and a warmer, but I suspect I'll use it just keeping food (pulled pork, brisket, etc.) warm for poker or other gatherings.
The trays and lids are sold separately from the unit.
You can get a single tray/lid, double tray/lid of triple tray/lid.  I got the double obviously. not bad price I think, about $155 for all with shipping included.
Thought about getting triple as well, but decided to hold off, since wife reminded me we have a triple crockpot type thing for keeping smaller amounts warm.
I need to take an inventory of "everything" and make it mandatory I look at it before I buy something to avoid buying same thing twice.  haha

I have 3 of those that my Dad gave me.  And have a ton of different size pans and lids to configure it many different ways. You can buy additional brackets to hold the pans in place depending on your configuration.  You need to make sure that you have water below the pans when in use and keep an eye on them.  They often run hot and can burn the food on bottom of the pans if you do not keep stirring and paying attention.  This has more a tendency to happen if you are putting cold food in the pans to heat up before kicking temps back down to a holding temp.  They work great.  I have had 75+ people at my house for events and the steam tables work like champs.  My brother also used them in his BBQ truck for years.

Have fun with it!

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Don't foresee every every having 75 people, 8-10 tops.
Yeah, I was looking at the water marks inside.  Only about a 1/2" between low mark and the high mark.
Will definitely have to keep an eye on it.
Thanks for the tip about heating cold food.  Microwave the food to heat it before putting in the warmer might be best to avoid that.

Here are a couple different configurations.  I mix it up depending on how many different things I am serving.

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That must be a larger size than the one I got.  Don't think mine holds more that 3 trays.
May not have looked hard enough, but didn't see any lids with spoon slots.

EDIT: mine is for the 4" deep pans, not the 6" deep ones.


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