  • #16 by BigDave83 on 18 Sep 2023
  • What a great meal and what a great project. I love it when a community can come together for a common purpose. I miss doing these kinds of dinners. Well done!

    Says the guy who does them at least once a month

    For several years I worked with a group that would put on a community meal once a month. However, it has been a while since I have been able to do it on a regular basis. I do miss it. Now I do something when the occasion arises, but it isn't quite the same. Hopefully we can get something going in the future. There is a beautiful commercial kitchen just sitting there unused. Unfortunately there has not been a lot of support. People see it as too much work. That is a legitimate concern, but with proper planning it is doable. I will continue to do what I can when I can, and we will see what happens.

     Planning is the key and making simple or easy to do things are also a key.