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All Things Considered => General Discussion--Food Related => Topic started by: BigDave83 on September 28, 2020, 01:17:47 PM

Title: Some advice is welcome. Chicken leg cook?
Post by: BigDave83 on September 28, 2020, 01:17:47 PM
The GF's niece will be 14, and of course she hates her Mother and most everyone that doesn't leave her do what she wants.  She told her Mother she didn't want a birthday party, then her drama seeking aunt announces she is going to have a birthday party for her. Her Mother had no idea this was going on because the aunt was going to talk to her about it but decided to announce it first. So apparently her Mother and my GF told their sister it wasn't happening. This is where I came in as now I get to cook for the party. I was liking the aunts idea better as i would not have been involved. She irritates me.

 The 14 year old doesn't want a cake she wants pumpkin pie, I thought great I can make that easy enough, until her Mother says she really likes this kind of pumpkin pie, a frozen pie you get to bake, can't compete with that. I asked what all she likes to eat as I know her and her sister are picky eaters from them staying at the house. Tacos, great, big flat top make up taco meat easily. Then when asked, she told them she really likes my chicken, I was shocked. I asked thighs, breasts or legs. legs won out. Her Mother and my Gf are not happy about that, they like boneless and skinless breasts.

 I don't know how many I will need to cook as of yet, party is on the 11th. Looking for advice on best way to do this so they are still warm/hot when it comes time to eat. I will have about a 30 minute drive and of course we will need to be there 2 hours early.

 I made thighs the other week and had some let over. As i was cooking something else on the gas grill I laid the left over thighs on the top warming rack and they really came out nice, temp was 450+ so a little more of the fat rendered and the skin crisped up nice. Hate to say it but I think they were better than the night before. So I thought about doing that smoke them in the morning maybe just pan them and cover then fire up the gas grill there or take mine to finish them off. I would take the smoker but it would not be easy to haul as i will more than likely need to use the pit boss vertical. I have the little Davey Crockett, but could probably only get maybe 15 in there depending on size.
 I can smoke them the morning of and just put in a roaster or something to keep warm, not sure how they would be though probably at least 3 hours later.

 The problem may correct it self if the weather is bad, as they would be willing to move the party to our place.

Thinking of maybe some mac n cheese, possibly just the frozen pans from Gordons as people seem to really like that.

Any thoughts or tips are more than welcome. thanks.
Title: Re: Some advice is welcome. Chicken leg cook?
Post by: Kristin Meredith on September 28, 2020, 01:29:04 PM
Your plan on the chicken sounds good.

I was never a picky eater, so probably have no good advice to offer but will throw out the possibility of a salad?  Green, cole slaw, carrot & pineapple, Waldorf -- so many to choose from.  Also cornbread?  Too bad about the frozen pumpkin pie -- I recently tasted a friend's pumpkin cheesecake and could not get enough (and this from someone who really doesn't like pumpkin that much).

Good luck, sounds like you have a tough crowd to feed!!!!
Title: Re: Some advice is welcome. Chicken leg cook?
Post by: BigDave83 on September 28, 2020, 01:41:42 PM
Thank you, feeding her family is not easy. I do make a pumpkin cheese cake, the girls mother really wants that. Salad?? you must be joking, a salad to them is a little bit of iceberg maybe a couple pieces of onion, 2 cups of shredded cheese and 2 cups of ranch dressing.
Title: Re: Some advice is welcome. Chicken leg cook?
Post by: dk117 on September 28, 2020, 04:12:19 PM
my oldest daughter turned 17 last week, my youngest (the picky eater) turns 14 this week.  I'm familiar with the challenges.

Not exactly to your question, but some advise to be the cool guy at the party.   Bring enough cool whip to cover the pumpkin pie to the point of not being able to see the pie itself (this stuff isn't expensive, go crazy with it!)  And Martinelli's sparkling cider (might want to try a few different flavors.)

Those two items always add a little bit of something special to the occasion. 

Good luck!   
Title: Re: Some advice is welcome. Chicken leg cook?
Post by: BigDave83 on September 28, 2020, 06:41:37 PM
my oldest daughter turned 17 last week, my youngest (the picky eater) turns 14 this week.  I'm familiar with the challenges.

Not exactly to your question, but some advise to be the cool guy at the party.   Bring enough cool whip to cover the pumpkin pie to the point of not being able to see the pie itself (this stuff isn't expensive, go crazy with it!)  And Martinelli's sparkling cider (might want to try a few different flavors.)

Those two items always add a little bit of something special to the occasion. 

Good luck!   

Thank you, i will look for the cider, and we will have cool whip and maybe some rediwhip.
Title: Re: Some advice is welcome. Chicken leg cook?
Post by: ylr on September 28, 2020, 07:11:03 PM
Couldn't you do a 50/50 mix of legs and boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into strips and marinated? You could do the initial leg smoke at home as planned, and cook the breasts the same time as finishing off the legs on the gasser at the party.

How many will you be cooking for?
Title: Re: Some advice is welcome. Chicken leg cook?
Post by: BigDave83 on September 28, 2020, 08:08:25 PM
Couldn't you do a 50/50 mix of legs and boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into strips and marinated? You could do the initial leg smoke at home as planned, and cook the breasts the same time as finishing off the legs on the gasser at the party.

How many will you be cooking for?

I am not sure how many as of yet. Knowing them I will find out the day before, how  many may be there.
Title: Re: Some advice is welcome. Chicken leg cook?
Post by: cookingjnj on September 28, 2020, 08:51:39 PM
I know all kids are different, but really like dk's idea of the Martinelli's sparkling cider, or any sparkling cider for that matter (N/A) of course.  I love her to death, but when it comes to eating and dinner in general, my 15 year old daughter is a PITA.  However, anytime we serve the Martinelli's sparkling it makes her feel like she is special.  Always a hit here.  Served it tonight for the holiday as a matter of fact.  Your idea for the chicken seems to fit the bill as well.  YLR idea of the breast sliced and marinated for part of the group sounds good too.  Good luck.
Title: Re: Some advice is welcome. Chicken leg cook?
Post by: BigDave83 on October 09, 2020, 08:47:25 AM
Okay, as mentioned I would not find out he number of people until the day before, but they were nice tome I found out last night.

They tell me 10 maybe 15.

So going to pick up maybe 12 to 15 pound of drumsticks, as most seem to be around 3 to a pound, figuring each eating 2 to 3. Going to pick up some breasts and maybe SV them to make shredded chicken with bbq sauce.

Still not sure on how I am going to keep things warm, the GF says just put in a roaster, that would work but no sure how they will be. I am not the greatest cook but I want things to turn out and be decent and good if I am doing them. The shredded chicken will be easy just put it in the slow cooker. Probably won't smoke the breast as he sauce will cover up he smoke you would get from the pellet cooker. I am doing he legs Sunday morning, figuring 2 to 3 hours depending on when I turn the temp up to try to finish them from the smoking. Th gas grill is out as I would need to take mine apart to haul it, I thought i would fit but no luck and I found out theirs needs some kind of parts.

Still uncertain on the sides, I did show the GF the sparkling cider, she didn't think they would like that. But we may still take a few bottles.
Title: Re: Some advice is welcome. Chicken leg cook?
Post by: Bar-B-Lew on October 09, 2020, 09:24:06 AM
I think you will be surprised that the smoke will still come thru the BBQ sauce on the shredded chicken.

Put the chicken quarters in aluminum pans, cover with foil, and stick in a cooler for the ride.  Maybe heat them in the oven uncovered for a few minutes to toughen the skin back up.
Title: Re: Some advice is welcome. Chicken leg cook?
Post by: Kristin Meredith on October 09, 2020, 09:53:42 AM
For sides -- are you still thinking mac-n-cheese?  Do they like any kinds of au gratin vegetable casseroles like broccoli, cauliflower, carrots or a mixture of all three?  Or candied carrots? (Don't know if you are trying for hot or cold sides? Fruit salad, potato wedges (maybe with crumbled bacon), corn of the cob (if still available in your area)?
Title: Re: Some advice is welcome. Chicken leg cook?
Post by: BigDave83 on October 09, 2020, 11:43:16 AM
For sides -- are you still thinking mac-n-cheese?  Do they like any kinds of au gratin vegetable casseroles like broccoli, cauliflower, carrots or a mixture of all three?  Or candied carrots? (Don't know if you are trying for hot or cold sides? Fruit salad, potato wedges (maybe with crumbled bacon), corn of the cob (if still available in your area)?

Sadly veggies are pretty much out for the whole family. very limited on what they eat in that realm.
Not sure on sides, was kind of hoping the Mother may step up and make something, the GF wants mashed potatoes.
Corn is pretty much done here, can still buy some in the stores but local stuff is over.

If we have to do sides it will be something simple for me, I am going to Gordons Food to pick up the chicken tomorrow and we will decide then. It may just be a large bag of Garlic Mash Potato pearls. I have used them before and people like them so an easy and quick option.

It is not like when I did stuff with my family, I would plan the meal, and my Mother would always be we need a veggie tray, fruit salad, beans you need beans, rolls. It would just blow up. I do miss my parents and the gathering we would have.
Title: Re: Some advice is welcome. Chicken leg cook?
Post by: Bar-B-Lew on October 09, 2020, 11:50:35 AM
There is always the option to order pizza. ;)
Title: Re: Some advice is welcome. Chicken leg cook?
Post by: BigDave83 on October 09, 2020, 02:04:02 PM
There is always the option to order pizza. ;)

That is usually what they do. No sure what happened this time.
Title: Re: Some advice is welcome. Chicken leg cook?
Post by: yorkdude on October 09, 2020, 02:21:48 PM
Probably late to the party but we have made chicken lollipops several times. Kind of a pain for the first few but once you have a rhythm smooth as silk. Smoked, kept warm under foil in pans and we had several “dipping sauces” warmed up in small crockpots. The kids of all ages really seemed to like them. So did many adults. Just a thought.
Title: Re: Some advice is welcome. Chicken leg cook?
Post by: BigDave83 on October 09, 2020, 04:49:21 PM
Probably late to the party but we have made chicken lollipops several times. Kind of a pain for the first few but once you have a rhythm smooth as silk. Smoked, kept warm under foil in pans and we had several “dipping sauces” warmed up in small crockpots. The kids of all ages really seemed to like them. So did many adults. Just a thought.

Have never tried them, are these made from drumsticks or the wing portion? I need to cook and transport, maybe 30 minute drive but i am sure we will need to be there an hour or two early so the chicken will need to sit for at least 2 hours maybe closer to 3. I will have to look into these though it may be something for another gathering.
Title: Re: Some advice is welcome. Chicken leg cook?
Post by: yorkdude on October 09, 2020, 04:56:24 PM
Probably late to the party but we have made chicken lollipops several times. Kind of a pain for the first few but once you have a rhythm smooth as silk. Smoked, kept warm under foil in pans and we had several “dipping sauces” warmed up in small crockpots. The kids of all ages really seemed to like them. So did many adults. Just a thought.

We have only done them with legs. They might be able to be done with other cuts, that I don’t know. I will tell you we have held them probably 2 hours, foiled and kept warm and they were good. The warm sauce was a good treat for the kids. In fact we even did a warm strawberry jelly and they ate the heck out of it.
Title: Re: Some advice is welcome. Chicken leg cook?
Post by: BigDave83 on October 11, 2020, 09:25:31 PM
Today was the day. I bought 15# of drumsticks. I was not sure of per pound count. I ended up with 40, and figuring I would need maybe 25, as I was doing 2 larger breasts and 3 boneless skinless thighs SV to make shredded chicken. We bought a bag of potato pearls, I broke it down in to 2 batches, so there wasn't so much waste.

I decided to do 30 and i would have one or two to sample. I found out after I had them on that there would be taco salad, and buffalo chicken dip, or I would not have made as many as I did. Took 28 I picked up a full size aluminum pan and a cover for it, figured we would drop it in a cooler with a few towels to keep them warm. Did them in the PB Copperhead 7 at 165 for an hour then upped temp to 385 took them off around 168 to 172. I had seasoned them with the BBQ rub we make up and when I bumped the temp i sprayed with some olive oil, only oil sprayer I could find. Once I panned them I gave a light spray again before closing them up and into the cooler.

 The shredded chicken I did SV 152 for 3.5 hours. Took it out left it rest a bit until I got the mixer and the little pork puller rods I had for it out. I had to hand shred a few  pieces and then seasoned it with the same seasoning, was going to sauce it before adding to the slow cooker but decided to leave it the way it was and if they wanted sauce they could add it. I was very surprised it was really good, why I didn't sauce it. the GF liked it the way it was also.I did add back in most of the liquid from the thigh bag just to help keep it more moist in the slow cooker. The picture is a 4Qt I am figuring I had 4 to 4.5 pound raw.

 I also made a pumpkin dump type cake to take, the pies they bought were not very good. So the cake was a hit. The buffalo chicken dip was good and her sister makes a nice taco salad, although not much in the veggie part. Her BIL was really happy as he asked about the buffalo chicken as he was proud he made it himself. I asked him how he got the chicken so fine, canned chicken, it just falls apart in the crock pot, why didn't i think of that, probably because that isn't how I would do things normally.

All in all it all turned out very well and I could have made half of what I made and sill been good. There were 15 legs left, i have some for lunch tomorrow and we have some of the shredded chicken which will find its way into a salad or warmed and used in fajitas for dinner.

Thank you all for your info and advice on different things, I truly appreciate it.
Title: Re: Some advice is welcome. Chicken leg cook?
Post by: Bar-B-Lew on October 11, 2020, 09:54:07 PM
happy to hear that it sounds like it turned out better than you expected
Title: Re: Some advice is welcome. Chicken leg cook?
Post by: Bentley on October 11, 2020, 10:55:38 PM
Ya done Great!
Title: Re: Some advice is welcome. Chicken leg cook?
Post by: yorkdude on October 12, 2020, 06:16:05 AM
Nicely done.
Title: Re: Some advice is welcome. Chicken leg cook?
Post by: Kristin Meredith on October 12, 2020, 07:38:27 AM
Sounds great and leftover chicken is a wonderful thing to have!  Good thing Bent wasn't there, he loves drumsticks.  You would have had 3 leftover! :pig: