I use a ‘lightly modified’ GMG pizza insert in an old Traeger lil’ Tex with digital controller on high and it makes fantastic pizzas too. We had 9 for dinner tonight and with my wife making and me baking, we served 12 pizzas at about one every 4-5 minutes.
I’ve found that with the lid closed, the tops cook faster than the bottoms. For me, the optimum for a crispy base seems to be lid closed between pizzas (1-2 minutes), then cook with lid open with a 1/4 rotation every 30 seconds for 2 to 3 minutes depending on the amount/type of toppings. We use the bread maker for the dough.
The GMG pizza insert, minus the top and stone, makes an excellent griddle for eggs, onions, searing roasts, etc... but I’m still trying to work out a method for maintaining predictable griddle temperature. With the lid open, the probe temp drops so the controller keeps sending pellets. Maybe if I divert some of the hot air or heat to the probe (Copper pipe?), it can regulate the griddle temperature with the lid open?
Cheers, David