After a very busy week, I'm able to get caught up on some of my computer stuff.
Perhaps you recognize my handle. I do many of yours, as well.
I have always been a fan of good BBQ, but didn't attempt any of my own until around 2007 or so.
I was really taking a interest in making my own rubs and sauces and made a purchase of an electric Cookshack Smokette.
And I really got some very decent results from this unit.
Then in the later part of 2009 I decided to go to Ponca City OK, and attend a seminar put on by Fast Eddy Mauren and David Bouska. That weekend also included KCBS Judges class as well. In the cooking class, we cooked our own ribs on a gallery of Cookshack/Fast Eddy pellet cookers. Also at the seminar, Fast Eddy had set up for display, one of his newly developed Pelletgrills So I came away from that weekend being eligible to judge KCBS competitions and also would up with a tremendous interest cooking with pellets. The rest is history.
I was soon purchasing a MAK II Star (2010) and doing all kinds of cookin/smokin with it. And judging a half a dozen KCBS comps as well. Soon down the road, I was making friends with other owners of pelletgrills and having a ball.
Then another pit purchase - a Memphis Advantage.
Man-o-man, am I now looking good or what!
So I am looking forward to our time together. Bring it on.