You'd think after near 10 year with pellets I'd have this down. My Smoke Daddy/Gator combo is a champ. But last 6 or so cooks I've had trouble at startup. Does anyone recall how long the hot rod stays hot upon startup? 4 minutes was my recollection. I'm not getting combustion until about minute 10. Meaning I have to run for 5 mins, see no smoke, then shut down (which entails physically unplugging the controller), immediately start back up to get a second hot rod cycle, then I have too many pellets in the burn pot, nasty smoldering combustion and then finally I'm up and running.
I'm thinking I have either a) wet pellets, very possibly in the Pacific Northwest, but I run through a lot of pellets so I'm somewhat discounting this or b) my hot rod is at end of life. This being my second hot rod in 18 months.
I've got two backup hot rods and it's not a huge inconvenience, just wondering if anyone has insight or suggestions. Thanks.