Full disclosure -- I don't like honey, so can not speak to whether this makes honey more flavorful or not. This is a heat issue. My level of hot is I can enjoy an ABT, but that is about as hot as I can tolerate things and still enjoy. In other words, not a real high tolerance.
The "hot" was pretty hot for me. I could eat it and it wasn't unpleasant, just a fair amount of heat and a bit of a burn after. In a small amount, someone who likes honey and heat would probably enjoy.
The extra hot -- hard, hard NO!!!! I only took one drop and it was burning like crazy. Had to swish milk in my mouth 3 times for the heat to die down and even then there was some lingering. Not enjoyable for me, but Bent seemed to love it. So if you are a big heat and honey person you will like this.