Yeah, I give a fair amount away too... In fact I need to give my sister a few pounds of it now... I had also told a couple co-workers about my bacon and told them I'd give them some to try...
But, at some point I have to restrict that , because what typically would happen is someone would want more... and I'm convinced that if i were ever to try and sell my bacon at a price that would even come close to paying for my time, I'd have to charge like $8 a pound, and I would feel bad about that price.
I bet I spend probably close to 3 hours of time to turn 10 or 12 pounds of meat into bacon... and that's just the time it takes to cure, cleanup, put it on the grill, take it off the grill, put it in the fridge , slice it, package it up. So, if I paid myself say $9/hour, the labor costs alone would be $3/lb. I try not to think about it too much, because if I really valued my time any more than this, I'd probably not even make bacon for myself
Actually as most of us know, it's not about paying ourselves for our time , it's a hobby. And honestly , I probably get more pleasure out of making bacon, that just about any other activity on my pellet grill. It's just so darn tasty.. But I also have other hobbies, not to mention other things that need to get done... So, Bacon is just one of things in life to share and do..