A buddy of mine asked me to help him cook some pork shoulders and chuck roasts (after I talked him out of making brisket) on a homemade smoker that his soon to be son-in-law owns. He got the food on at about 3:30pm yesterday. Had issues with rain and figuring out how to keep the grill at a smoking temp of 250°-275°. Had a little success doing that. After about 4.5 hours, I had him pull the meat off. We panned it and poured some beers in pan before putting foil on them. Put them in the oven at 250° to finish. I am still waiting on him to find out how things turned out. It is for a graduation party for his son today. The pork shoulder sample I had before we foiled tasted pretty good and was pretty tender (outside edge). I took some old thermoworks products with me to keep tabs on things. The two thermometers on the lid of the grill were useless and ran at least 50° below the thermoworks units.
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