I usually save the fat trimmings from my briskets which can be several lbs or more from each large packer. I use some of the fat in sausage but usually have a lot left over that I freeze. I decided to make some tallow with what I had frozen.
I started with 8 lbs of fat and ran it through the medium plate on the meat grinder. Put 10 cups at a time into our instant pot set to saute at normal heat. The fat took only a few minutes to completely melt but I let it cook a bit more to drive off any moisture. Strained through a fine filter into a pryex measuring cup and repeated with the remaining fat. Once all the fat was rendered I cleaned out the pot, poured the liquid fat back in and let it heat a bit more. While still hot, I poured it directly into canning jars and screwed the lids on. Yield was about 88 oz. From what I understand, this should be very room temperature stable.
Now to figure out what to do with it? I'm thinking fried chicken and french fries to start with.