My typical jerky marinade is something like... 1/4 cup soy sauce, 1/4 cup hot pepper water, 1/4 cup sugar, 2 Tablespoons worcestershire sauce, maybe a tablespoon of red wine, or possibly balsamic vinegar... possibly some black pepper in the mix too... How much jerky this covers... well, probably a gallon sized zip-lock bag full, which might be 4 pounds?? I don't like to use any more liquid then I have to.
Hot pepper water is made by boiling hot peppers in water, letting it cool... How hot it is, depends on how many peppers you put in, or what kind... and of course how hot you want it , is up to you. Be careful when making hot pepper water, it can... really fill your house full of hot pepper fumes... and if you happen to inhale a whole bunch of those fumes up close, you might regret it.
I don't usually use cure in my jerky mix... but I'm thinking about starting to do it again. ( I used to do it all the time , years ago ). I don't think there's very much risk from a food safety perspective, as long as you keep your smoking temperature up to about 160F minimum. I personally won't really worry even if my temperature were to stay as low as 140F for a hour or two in the beginning, but eventually I would like it up to around 160F... if it goes up to 180F I'd be trying to find a way to get the temperature to drop a little, cause I don't really want to cook my jerky too much.
I generally do 3/8" to 1/2" thick , because I can make more jerky with less effort when it's thicker... As far as I know, there's little need to marinate for more than 24 hours, but 48 hours wouldn't hurt anything... even 12 hours would be enough, if it was on the thinner side.