I'd make my own sausage, if it weren't for the stuffing part...
My solution to my problem... was/is to not stuff it... At one point I figured out I could make Bratwurst and Breakfast sausage , that only had like two ingredients different between them. ( I forget which had the extra ingredients, or what they are, I think it's the Breakfast sausage that has a couple additional ingredients )... Bratwurst patties are actually pretty darn good... and breakfast sausage can just be scrambled as far as I'm concerned... I stopped doing this , only because I can get breakfast sausage for like $1.49/lb and it's as good or better than I could make myself, so my labor just isn't worth the cost... regardless of if I stuff or not.
Actually , what I do have some interest in , is fermented sausage... and/or dry aged whole muscle meats ... but to do these things well, I need to make a curing chamber, etc... it's on my to do list.