Will be doing a 15# brisket (before trimming) this weekend, question do you remove the point before or after the cook? Would you remove before wrapping ? Plan on doing burnt ends, of course this is my first try at all of this! Thanks for any help.
As you can see by the many responses, you can cook a brisket many different ways. A friend of mine asked me to help him cook his first brisket and this is what I told him.
Please note this is one man's way of cooking a brisket.
1. Trim the brisket of excess fat, etc. Anything that doesn't look good, remove it.
2. Inject the brisket. I go between Butcher's Brisket Injection and Kosmos Brisket Injection. This is an optional step
3. Into the fridge overnight
4. Fire up the pit to 180. While the pit is coming up to temp apply rub to brisket. Use whatever you like.
5. Onto the pit @ 180 for 6-8 hours. I like to put mine on at 10 PM until 6 AM. I also use a smoke tube/enhancer for added smoke.
6. Around 6 AM wrap the brisket in foil. Add a can of beef consomme. Turn pit up to 250.
7. Start checking for doneness around 198 - 203.
8. Separate the point/flat. Cube the point and put back on the pit in a foil pan. Add bbq sauce or beef consomme. Store the flat in a cooler, or whatever.
9. Check the burnt ends after 2 hours to see if they are where you like them. If not cook longer.