Not that anyone may care, but I realized I have not updated folks on Sigmund. Three days after his IFT, GEB closed their NY campuses because of the virus. I had already committed to taking Knight and did not know if I could handle a 10 pound baby pup and a non-neutered, 85 pound teenage boy (I specifically asked if they would allow him to be neutered and was told no). So Sig went to a foster home in Ohio. The first of June, Knight left for Tn. I also found out that they were going to allow Sig to be neutered, so I asked for him back. For reasons which still have never been explained to me, he was not allowed back (even though his fosters did say he was so big and strong that they were having issues with him).
So, I will cut the sob story short. In mid-July, I was told he was neutered and on August 8 he returned to the Yorktown Heights campus to begin harness training. I am eagerly awaiting his first report. I know they spend the first 10 days just getting to know their initial trainer and doing some simple exercises. But I think he should now be in the first stage of training and I hope for a report in about 3 weeks. He may not make it through all 4 stages, only time will tell -- but I sure hope so because he is a good boy!
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