Funding Source:
The Salling Foundations.
Salling Group
Ownership structure
Salling Group is 100% owned by Købmand Herman Sallings Fond and Købmand Ferdinand Sallings Mindefond, which together make up the Salling Foundations. This means that profits from Salling Group are only used for two purposes: investment in the company and donations via the Salling Foundations.
Some of its companies
føtex food convenience
For days when shopping should be as quick and easy as possible, convenience is the key word. The føtex chain today operates a number of supermarket food convenience stores in the capital, where the range is adjusted to busy life in the big city. Here prepared meals, easy meal solutions, freshly baked bread and butcher-carved meat take centre stage in the stores.
Carl’s Jr.
The combination of fresh ingredients, authentic American style and a well-known brand has really found its way to the hearts of Danish burger fans. Carl's Jr. has experienced massive growth in Denmark, where burgers are more popular than ever before.
Salling Group has had the rights to establish Carl's Jr. restaurants in Denmark since 2013. The restaurants are in attractive locations on shopping streets, close to the motorway or in one of our Bilka hypermarkets, which makes it easy for Danes to combine a shopping trip with a meal.
Skagenfood meal boxes
Meal boxes delivered directly to the door are winning more and more ground with Danes. Not only is it easy to unpack quality goods and put them in the refrigerator, but it also takes care of the difficult everyday art of finding the evenings’ and week's meals.
Salling Group entered the market for meal boxes in 2017, when we invested in Skagenfood and bought 80% of the company. Since the acquisition, Skagenfood has experienced enormous growth, with an increase in turnover of 50% in just one year. This positive trend will continue over the next few years with more innovative meal boxes and new food trends that will inspire Danes to exciting everyday meals. Day-to-day, Skagenfood is operated in North Jutland as an independent company.
A meeting over a good cup of coffee or one to go. Danes love good quality coffee, and as the official franchise partner, the group is operating a growing number of popular Starbucks coffee bars in Denmark, both in connection with føtex supermarkets and Bilka hypermarkets, and at exclusive locations like the City Hall Square in Copenhagen.
Our own brands
At Salling Group, we produce a host of private label lines. Customers can find our own brands throughout føtex, Bilka and Netto, and we are proud to cover everything from canned tomatoes to detergents. Our goal is to meet all our customers’ everyday needs, regardless of price and quality.
Vores® is Salling Group’s biggest line of private label goods, and it contains everything needed in everyday life. We always have hundreds of different products to choose from, and the range is constantly being developed and extended. Before goods can be a part of Vores, one of the things we do is let our customers test and approve their quality. That's why we call them Vores (Danish for ‘Ours’).
With Levevis, we make it easy for our customers to choose the products that are good for both people and the environment. The Levevis line contains both organic groceries and a new selection of groceries that are gluten and lactose free. In addition, the line consists of a wide range of personal care, household and baby products that do not contain perfume. The products bear different labels that place certain requirements on the manufacturer and product, clear information about which can be found by the customers on the packaging.
Princip is for customers who do not want to compromise on the quality of their food. Princip consists of exquisite quality, gourmet moments and delicious flavours for every taste and for every occasion, and the line offers luxurious foods at competitive prices.
Budget is the name of our line of basic products at fixed low prices. The line is continually being developed from the basic idea of giving customers an inexpensive alternative within as many product categories as possible. Budget covers both food and non-food items, and the orange packaging means it is always easy to recognise.
If customers prefer products that are good to animals, the environment and the wallet, then they should look on the shelves for ØGO's products. ØGO is Netto’s very own line of organic products at good prices, and it offers a large selection of organic goods for all everyday meals.
VRS is our own clothing brand, and today it is a recognised fashion brand in the textile industry and sold exclusively by Bilka and føtex. VRS consists of a large selection of fashion wear, sportswear, everyday clothes, underwear, shoes and accessories for the whole family.
Premieur are high quality products for customers who appreciate good flavours and local delicacies from all over the world. Premieur is sold exclusively by Netto.
Salling Group is one of Denmark’s largest bicycle dealers. This is due not least to the fact that we have SCO, a classic Danish bicycle brand that Salling Group bought and relaunched in 2017, where both quality and design received a major boost.