I do not know if it will correct old text or even if it is corrected. I tried to update the site to the UTF-8. I am not even sure it has done anything. I just know I was having issues with the °, and that seems to be corrected. I do not even know how to make most of the symbols that Paul has posted. So maybe he will be able to check tomorrow.
I will type these symbols in the same sequence as they appear on the list. I will just string them together, 20 symbols on one line, comma separated.
But first, I will type an apostrophe, '
≈, "", ~, £, •, ¢, ©, °, ÷, …, —, –, €, ≥, ≤, µ, ≠, ±, ®, ™
EDIT: Hooray! All display properly.