I had 35 327W panels installed on our house when we bought here in AZ, but you could never run AC or an electric oven off of these panels. My maximum generation is in May/June and is only 75KW hours/day. For the first 5 years that we had them, we never paid a penny for electricity. Of course, we we in the NW boating most of those summers. This past summer, due to covid and my health, we remained in AZ and had electric bills around $150. IMO Batteries are not a practical solution here; demand is too high.
I'm no expert, but I have done some looking in to solar and that doesn't make sense to me that you can't run ovens or A/C.
Maybe your system may have been installed wrong or designed wrong.
Most installations feed unused power to the Electric company and you get money from them monthly.
Peak months you may have to pay none or some depending on capacity of the system that was installed.
IMO there should be no reason you can't run ovens or A/C (with or without utility power) unless it was an under-powered system.
That kind of defeats the purpose of having solar if you can't use it.