Started my tomatoes on February 8, 2023. I have two trays of twelve for my Better Boys and one tray of twelve for my Early Girls. My seed starts were fairly normal on a tray of Better Boys and one tray of the Better Boys. These two trays started sprouting in like four days. One of my Better Boy trays took two weeks to sprout and plants are still sprouting. All three seed packets came from Park. The slow tray sat between the other two so I concluded that there was something going on with the seed.
This week I plan weather permitting to move the seedlings to five inch pots. My plan is to get the plants in the ground by tax day. My yields have been going down over the past few years that I suspect was due to salt build up in the soil from city water. A vineyard owner from Livermore, CA was on TV news discussing all of the rain we got over the past few months. He stated that yields are expected to be real good this year because of the rain washing salt out of the soil.