I took time this past Saturday to cook two pork butts, and when the time came to wrap I wrapped one in foil and the other in butcher paper. I did this because up until now I had never wrapped pork butt and had never been completely happy with the results. Though the meat had great flavor and bark it was also dryer than I thought it should be. Since I had just recently cooked brisket and wrapped in bp with great results, I wanted to see how wrapping in foil vs. bp would compare. I also felt I now had a dependable cooker to get consistent results. Here's how it went:
I started with two nearly identical pork butts I purchased from my local Winco Foods. Only .98/lb!
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Friday night I dry brined them both with Morton's Kosher Salt. I was going to brine them starting Friday morning but I was late for work, and so they only had the salt on for 12 hours and I wish it had been longer. The finished product needed salt, I thought.
Saturday morning, 6:00 am, out of the fridge, rubbed with altered Memphis Dust and into the MAK they went at 275 degrees, fat side up.
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At 1:00 pm, both butts had reached 160 IT, and though I wasn't happy with the amount of bark formation, I thought they would be stalling soon, so I wrapped them and back into the smoker they went, continuing at 275 degrees pit temp.
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