Let me begin by saying that I put this topic on another forum years ago.
I feel that I need to reflect on this once in awhile. I have found myself falling into this myself and just need to settle down a bit.
I'll do a copy and past from my files as it was written in that forum.
"I've been a member of this forum now for about three years.
Seen a lot of people come. And I've seen a few people go.
All in all. this has been a very wonderful place to be. Sharing recipes, tips, photos, whatever with some really great cooks. And some on this forum have become personal friends. How great is that.
Yet, every once in awhile a forum topic will get started, and for some reason or another, things start getting out of hand. And sometimes it results in hard feelings. I simply hate it when topics start getting that way. You can just feel it coming. It tastes worse to me than over smoked meat.
A recent article in the Detroit Free Press hit home in this area. It was an article by Angela Hill entitled Nastiness on the Net . In her article Angela discussed "electronic shouting matches".
Contributors to the article have said -
"You're always going to have someone who doesn't like what you do or say. But I can't believe if they were standing here looking at me they would say something so vile as they do."
"Since the dawn of electronic communication, mean people have trolled the world of the Web, taking personal jabs at total strangers about everything from politics and movie to recipes and knitting circles, making outrageous, hurtful and sometimes bullying remarks--especially under the cover of anonymity. But why do we get so mean just because we can't be seen?"
"We behave in a different way when online. It's as if you're wearing a cloak or a mask and, well, you can get away with it."
"Psychologist call it deindividuation. When in a mask or uniform or group, you cease to recognize even yourself as an individual and therefore don't see others that way, either, don't see how you're hurting someone."
Try a little kindness.
"Even Facebook has been exploring new ways to reduce online conflicts and cyber bullying with kinder, gentler language on various aspects of the site."
OK, these situations are actually very rare on our forum. But I thought I'd throw this out for everyone to read. I certainly am not pointing fingers to anyone about any comment they have made at any time.
I just want to commit myself to making my comments in a very professional manner -
Thanks for listening."
OK Trooper, practice what you preach!