BTW, thanks for posting this video, Bob. I think that everyone that eats pork should see it. And there should be comparable videos for beef and chicken.
A lot of people don't seem to realize that some creature had to die to provide the meat on their dinner tables.
A couple of years ago I was confronted on state-owned land by a group of 8 anti-hunting activists. They screamed at me and ran into the field to "Shoo the birds from harm." One woman was so in my face that she couldn't have gotten any closer without removing her clothing. I got a spittle face wash.
She was upset that I intended to kill birds. I asked her if she ate meat. "I get my meat from the grocery store" she replied. I tried to tell her that someone killed that animal, but... well, she didn't seem to be listening.
So, anyway, thanks for turning me on to it.