You know, the ones ya put on green beans for the holidays.
My niece calls them 'Oh boys'. I love these things and can't find them locally any more. Not even during the holidays. So I looked on Amazon and BAM...
I went thru the 1st 20 oz bag in a week and re-ordered. In the process, I stumbled across a similar product they had but with jalapenos. What the heck I thought, and got a bag as well.
The reviews were mixed, but I must say that these things are tasty! They don't have much of a jalapeno taste in my opinion. There's a mild heat to them, but they taste more like fried okra to me. I could eat a frying pan of fried okra, so it was definitely a win-win for me.
Then I thought... 'I wonder if I could smoke these'? Will find out this weekend. I'll be doing both of them.