Hi folks,
New Camp Chef Woodwind owner here. Also a first time pellet grill owner (but long term WSM and propane smoker owner) and could use a little guidance.
My Woodwind arrived last week and I used it Thursday (ribeye), Friday (brisket) and Saturday (ribs). I did not pay attention to temps during the high heat reverse sear on the ribeye, but both my brisket and rib cooks displayed what feels like significant and constant temperature swings throughout the cook. For example:
Set temp @ 275 ranged from 233 to 311 (+/- 36/42)
Set temp @ 250 ranged from 219 to 305 (+/- 55/31)
The set temp was never changed - these swings were due to the unit trying to maintain temp. I am using Camp Chef pellets and everything in the unit otherwise seems functional. I kept the hopper 50% to 75% full. Air temps were mid 40's and 50's.
I was not sitting there watching this thing, these were noticed while checking on it every hour or so. Rarely was it hovering +/- 10 degrees, it always seemed like it was recovering from one of these spikes or crashes at closer to the extremes that at the midpoint.
Trying to run 275 on brisket cook:
Trying to run 250 on a different cook
Additionally, It was producing thick smoke every 5 to 10 minutes as it recovered from a low crash. The brisket flavor is…unrecognizable? I think it is because of that excess pellet smoke.
The overall features and quality of the grill seem nice, but my #1 goal with buying a pellet smoker was temp control so am feeling a little frustrated right now. I see some insisting the
average temp is all that matters but something seems wrong if it is spending most of its time outside the 10 or 15 degree temp spec. Is this all internal to the controller or are there things I should check?