These were my top 2 as I already owned a PG500. For me (personal preference only *grains of salt and all*) I knew I wanted SS because I don't care how awesome it cooks if it's covered in rust after winter 1,2 or 3 I get a dissatisfied feeling in my stomach and I can't stand investing bigger $ and then feeling remorse. Now, is that to say a Yoder or a Mak (which has lots of SS) isn't amazing.....absolutely not but I value the longevity (while still looking good with proper care) high heat, efficiency and ease of switching from HH to LnS as it suits my cooking style better.
I still battled with the Mak here as I knew the Yoder was out but I also would really never cold smoke leaving me with Jerky as the 1 big Mak +. What really came out for me was that if I want to cold smoke I will investigate and purchase a machine designed to do so and as I was not willing to compromise my quick after work burgers and steaks for the ability to cold smoke some cheese.
I still believe that I would be a very happy man cooking on a Mak 2 but I feel glorious hanging out with my Memphis Pro