Maybe I should clarify what I did this time. 2 bellies in a wet cure not cut and into the wet cure. Swam for 10 days and then a good rinse and dried, into the fridge and chilled for about an hour. GMG’s chugging a 150 and put them on after I cut them into the sizes you see on the grill and on the baking pan in previous photos. It was cold and snow flurries so I left the grills out in it. 6 hours and called it quits. We had a bit that was extremely fatty, virtually no meat, that’ll be soup stuff. Quite pleased but somehow not salty enough, dang! Other than that zero complaints. Going to grab them at my usual spot next week or the weekend after and try it again, they never let me down on their bellies.
Here’s a few pics. Oh, we also cut the slices in half for more sandwich style, we don’t always do it but momma said this time we should.