I, in principle, have alot of the same views. I do think in the time we are living in though, it's nearly impossible to accomplish that goal. Everyone has always been out to make a buck. The difference today is that nearly anyone with a cellphone and the tiniest bit of ambition can actually see profits from very little work. Mention this, click that, use this product, put this in the background of your video, etc.
An example being the popular T-Roy YouTube channel. He's fairly entertaining, has some good content, and it's in my field of interest (bbq). However, I rarely watch his videos anymore. Constant mentions of other YouTubers, uses of products people sent him, meat from a particular sponser, rubs that people are trying to sell. I have no idea if he gets paid or how much for any of it, but at a certain point it's just a big giant commerical and it just cripples the content. Not to single out T-Roy. Basically every popular YouTube channel uses the same model, and I assume he didn't start it. I just don't know who did.
I don't fault him or anyone else trying to make a dime. I just won't consume it. It's distracting, and at a certain point off-putting. I'm sure I'm in the minority because thousands of people watch channels like this every day, so as always the masses win. If it works, people will continue to push the maximum amount of xxxx into their videos, websites, and other forms of entertainment.
Most of us on this site (forums in general) are dinosaurs. We are hanging on to what we like about the world of technology from it's infancy where people were still figuring out how to monetize the internet. Well, it certainly has been figured out, and we don't like it. Unfortunately, it's only going to get worse, but we will most likely be extinct by then.
On the flip side, I don't have a problem with cross platform promoting for informational purposes as long as there is context. If you say I made this from this video. This is what I liked. This is what I didn't. This could be changed. If you just post a link with no context, I don't really get that. These comments are not directed at anyone or post in particular, as I have no clue what prompted the original post. I haven't been able to read as much lately, so I don't know if I missed something.
Your mission is a noble one that is certainly an uphill climb.