I've owned pellet grills for 6 years or more, never felt a need for a smoke tube. In all honestly, if I couldn't get decent smoke out of a pellet grill at 225F, I'd probably not own it, or would be looking for one that did do better at that aspect.
Agree. Pellet smokers provide plenty of smoke. But I think there is a misconception about this. The comparisons between pellet smokers and stick burners are always about smoke output. Many often say the pellet smokers don’t produce as much smoke. From experience, I would say that is false. It’s not more or less. It’s just different. Different color, aroma, and flavor.
The key is learning your rig and how much smoke output you can generate at different temperatures and then adjust your recipes accordingly.
To answer your question, I got a Blaz’n Grills Smoker Pro box for the same reason. Wasn’t sure if I needed more smoke output. Now i use it exclusively in my Webber gasser as an accessory.
I let a brisket roll on my Rec tec Stampede at 225 degrees for this one.
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