It used to be if you wanted a recipe or to do something creative, it took hours of digging in volumes of cookbooks or magazines. Now with the wonders of the internet we get bombarded with ideas we never would have thought of on our own. My wife uses my facebook page (which I rarely use) and is also active on Pinterest. So that means I keep getting numerous “Helpful†suggestions for things to try. I do my best to ignore them, but sometimes they drag me in.
The other day I saw something that intrigued me, it was a literal reverse sear. You sear the outside of a roast; cut a big pocket down the center of the roast; then turn it inside out (like you would a sock); stuff the seared inside of the roast with onions, bacon, peppers, and cheese; bake the roast; and wallah you have a perfect stuffed roast. I am almost embarrassed to say I fell for it, but I did. It did not work. I couldn’t get that sucker to turn inside out to save me! I tried several different ways, but ended up just cooking it and it turned out ok, but nothing like what was advertised.
Today I had a pumpkin BBQ sauce pop up. Trying to resist the temptation, but they make it look so good and I keep thinking that might not be too bad!
Anyone had any Pinterest successes or failures worth sharing?