Ambient temp was probably close to 40° with MAK set at Smoke temp setting and running about 170° and side smoking chamber running 55°-60°
Cheese was on between two and four hours depending on the rack. It didn't look like it got the that smoke look on the outside of the cheese and the change of color which is why we left some on longer. Didn't really see the MAK generating much smoke either. Well, let me tell you, after bagging it and putting it in the fridge, when you open the fridge door you can tell that there is smoke on that cheese. We plan to serve it over the Christmas holidays and then freeze and/or shred the remainder for future use.
Guinness Cheddar before smoking
About 25# in the side chamber which by the looks of it may be able to hold close to 40#
Stuck inside brown paper bags and put in fridge to soak up the moisture before I vac seal later today