To get all three, I season, smoke at 160° to an IT of 115-120°, sous vide, cool, then sear.
Hugh, you smoked to 115-120° IT and SVd. Did you vacuum seal the steak immediately after removing it from the smoker?
Did you SV it immediately after sealing?
If you were looking for a Medium-rare steak, at what temperature and for how long would you SV it?
After SVing, you cooled it before searing. Please provide some details of the cooling process and time and/or IT.
The last step was the sear. How did you do that? On a blazing hot pan or griddle or on a medium hot (which takes longer, consequently raising the IT)?
I apologize for being a pain by digging so deep on this, but I've been fooling around with various SV steak methods until I have myself confused. So I often revert to charcoal hot and fast.