Paul, being my brother's keeper and caring for others are separate in my mind from "protecting others". Maybe people see it as semantics, but it is a real issue to me.
I can care for people by doing as Jesus directed -- feeding them, clothing them, visiting them when they are sick or even caring for them when they are sick, even visiting those in jail. I have done all that at different times in my life. I canot take on the burden of "protecting" others, in part because I don't know what that entails and I don't trust the gov't to tell me. I can care for others by not going out more than needed, by not going out if I am coughing or sneezing, by distancing and not appraoching people. I am the person that stops in the grocery store aisle and won't pass a person because I don't want them to think I am getting too close. I wait for them to move and then I move. But I don't like being told that it is up to me to wear or not wear certain things to protect others and make them feel better. They need to be responsible for protecting themselves and not transfering that burden to me.
Today it is wear a mask -- funny, a few weeks ago, it was no need to wear a mask. Maybe next month it is something else. Yeah, I cop to being suspicious of gov't and them telling me what I need to do especially when it involves what I wear -- it is a very slippery slope. I know people will think this is extreme and maybe it is because I am a woman, but in visiting Iran, I was required to wear a hijab to "protect" men from lustful thoughts they might have if they just saw me in street clothes. Yes, we were told officially that is the reason. And they had police who would enforce it. Maybe it just did something to me mentally, but I realized then and there I did not like a gov't telling me how I needed to dress to "protect" a portion of the population. I wanted to see the country, so I had to comply, but mentally it has stuck with me. And women are told all the time not to wear certain clothes to "protect" themselves from being assaulted by men who will be provoked by a short skirt or tight clothes. So no, I am not into protecting others by wearing certain things unless required by law or if it is a store I want to go in. I can't take on the burden of being responsible for the pyschology of others and what will make them feel "safe", they have to carry that burden themselves.