I have a decent story about my 2nd pellet grill. It was a deal I just could not pass up. There was a guy on Pelletheads named Grumpy. He bought a Yoder 640 and after multiple complaints and replacing fans, controllers, etc. for a year or so, he got so fed up with it that he posted, if anyone wants this piece of "junk" (not his actual word he used but junk is more family friendly), they can have it for free. Just come and get it. As I recall he was about 5 hours from where I lived and I contacted him and said if he was serious, I was on my way. Next thing you know I drove 5 hours, loaded up a Yoder YS640, thanked Grumpy, and brought it home. I then contacted Yoder asking for a manual. Yoder asked me how I came about the YS640 and I told them about the link on pelletheads and the story. Well Yoder then decided to give me everything I needed to bring it up to current spec. New fans, wiring harness, chimney, firmware updater and I cannot remember what else, all free, including shipping. A couple years later they upgraded the heat shield and sent me one of those too. I never had any problems cooking with it like the previous owner. That is my Yoder story. I googled to see if I could find the story cached on the internet and this is the only thing I could find.